Simon Conseil

Resume, Linkedin, Github

Currently working at Gemini Observatory, on the development of the data reduction software, DRAGONS.

Previously, I worked at the Lyon Centre for Astrophysics Research (CRAL), on data processing and analysis for the MUSE instrument. I also worked as a Software Developer at Wyplay (2013 – 2014), and at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille on image and data processing for the GALEX deep fields (2008 – 2013).

Paranal 2018, © Roland Bacon


ADS, arXiv

PhD: Three-Dimensional Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction

Institut Fresnel, ST Microelectronics & 3DFeel. 2008.
Download: Abstract (43.4 KB) - Thesis (2.66 MB) - Thesis (double-sided) (2.67 MB)